September 16, 2024

September Newsletter

Alliance Member Spotlight

Peer Recovery Support Services (PRSS) have emerged as a transformative element in the health care landscape, with the potential of contributing to a reduction of total cost of care. These services, provided by individuals with lived experience of recovery, offer personalized, empathetic support that enhances patient engagement in recovery and harm reduction efforts. PRSS help to improve individual health outcomes while alleviating the financial burden on healthcare systems by decreasing hospital readmissions, shortening in-patient lengths of stay, and minimizing the use of emergency departments.

To learn more about the potential impact of PRSS on the total cost of care within health care, Eric Bailly, Senior Director with Third Horizon and leader of the Alliance for Addiction Payment Reform connected with Alliance participant Dr. Sierra Castedo de Martell, Assistant Research Scientist with the JEAP Initiative at Chestnut Health Systems’ Lighthouse Institute to discuss her work in researching the financial impact of PRSS on total cost of healthcare, culminating in the creation of a cost-effectiveness calculator for peer recovery support services and for bystander naloxone distribution and a forthcoming journal article reporting the results of a cost-effectiveness analysis of PRSS (Castedo de Martell et al., under review).

New Publication

On June 14, 2024, the Alliance published an article entitled “Environmental Scan of Substance Use Disorder Quality Metrics/Measures Applicable to the Addiction Recovery Medical Home Alternative Payment Model.” The quality metrics/measures can be accessed directly here by selecting “Download the 2024 National Outcome Measures.”

Next Meeting: December 11, 2024

The guest speaker for the December 11 meeting is TBD.

If you are interested in participating in this or any of the quarterly Alliance meetings, visit and select the quarterly meetings link to add yourself to the participant list. If you encounter any issues with this process, please email Eric Bailly at

If you have any questions or would like to join the conversation and connect with Alliance, please fill out this form and follow our public LinkedIn page.

September 11, 2024 Meeting Recap

Recording available here; Passcode: #zS2z8^N


  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Spotlight Presentation: Sustainable Recovery Requires System Reform: Stories of Resiliency and Hope for Meaningful Change with Patrick J. Kennedy, Former U.S. Representative, The Kennedy Forum
  • Industry & Policy News: Review of the MHA State of Mental Health in America Report with Elveena Fareedi, Manager for Behavioral Health Research & Projects, Third Horizon