July 23, 2024

July Newsletter

Alliance Member Spotlight

In this month’s newsletter, Eric Bailly, Senior Director with Third Horizon Strategies and leader of the Alliance for Addiction Payment Reform, connected with Cheryl Matochik, Third Horizon Strategies Managing Director for Market Analytics, to learn more about the power of transparency in coverage data available through the commercial health plan machine-readable files. Specifically, the conversation focused on how providers can proactively leverage the transparency in coverage rate data currently available to negotiate alternative payment arrangements with commercial health plans in various markets.

New Publication

On June 14, 2024, the Alliance published an article entitled “Environmental Scan of Substance Use Disorder Quality Metrics/Measures Applicable to the Addiction Recovery Medical Home Alternative Payment Model.” The quality metrics/measures can be accessed directly here by selecting “Download the 2024 National Outcome Measures.”

Next Meeting: September 11, 2024

The September meeting will feature guest speaker Former U.S. Representative Patrick J. Kennedy with a focus on National Recovery Month and the intersection of lived experience with advocacy for SUD prevention, treatment, and recovery services payment system reform.

If you are interested in participating in this or any of the quarterly Alliance meetings, visit www.incentivizerecovery.org and select the quarterly meetings link to add yourself to the participant list. If you encounter any issues with this process, please email Eric Bailly at eric@thirdhorizonstrategies.com.

If you have any questions or would like to join the conversation and connect with Alliance, please fill out this form and follow our public LinkedIn page.

Previous Meeting Recap: June 12, 2024

Recording available here; Passcode: 4=zp55n


  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Spotlight Presentation: Transforming SUD Treatment with Value-Based Care – Featuring Sarah E. Wakeman, MD, Medical Director, Mass General Hospital SUD Initiative and Robert S. Kaplan, PhD, Senior Fellow and Marvin Bower Professor of Leadership Development (Emeritus) at the Harvard Business School
  • Industry & Policy News: CMS/CMMI Integrated Behavioral Health (IBH) Model – Featuring Karin Bleeg, MPH, Deputy Division Director, CMS, and Isaac Devoid, MSc Social Science Research Analyst, CMS
  • Wrap-Up: The September meeting will include a spotlight presentation.